Secular nourishment,
daily well-being.
From the ancient wisdom of our olive trees, an elixir of life and a valuable ally for your everyday well-being.
New beginnings,
ancient roots.
‘To grow, it is necessary to stop and reflect on goals achieved and horizons to be explored.’
Guardiamo al passato, attingendo alle nostre radici per prepararci a scrivere nuove ambiziose pagine della nostra storia. Perché ogni giorno ci prendiamo cura di chi ci sceglie, per un nutrimento che va oltre il semplice gusto e il design.
Siamo riconosciuti come sinonimo di eccellenza e il nostro olio EVO è un insostituibile alleato del benessere. Non un semplice condimento, ma un prezioso nutrimento, frutto di secoli di storia: una promessa di qualità e un simbolo di benessere che si tramanda di generazione in generazione.
And today, as we celebrate this indissoluble link between past and present, we share with you our narrative evolution: Age-old nourishment, daily well-being. An invitation, this, to rediscover the value of an oil that is not just a condiment, but an essential nutrient to be integrated into the daily diet.
Guardiamo al passato, attingendo alle nostre radici per prepararci a scrivere nuove ambiziose pagine della nostra storia. Perché ogni giorno ci prendiamo cura di chi ci sceglie, per un nutrimento che va oltre il semplice gusto e il design.
Siamo riconosciuti come sinonimo di eccellenza e il nostro olio EVO è un insostituibile alleato del benessere. Non un semplice condimento, ma un prezioso nutrimento, frutto di secoli di storia: una promessa di qualità e un simbolo di benessere che si tramanda di generazione in generazione.
And today, as we celebrate this indissoluble link between past and present, we share with you our narrative evolution: Age-old nourishment, daily well-being. An invitation, this, to rediscover the value of an oil that is not just a condiment, but an essential nutrient to be integrated into the daily diet.
A journey of taste
and health.
to be well.
‘Age-old nourishment, daily well-being’ tells of what we have always done: produce an oil that nourishes.
These are the health claims approved by the European Community, which we communicate on the back label to give more and more value to our oil and its benefits:
The polyphenols in olive oil contribute to the protection of blood lipids from oxidative stress. The beneficial effect is achieved with a daily intake of 20g of olive oil
(5.62mg/20g of oil).
Replacing saturated fats in the diet with unsaturated fats contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels. Oleic acid is an unsaturated fat.
Vitamin E helps protect cells from oxidative stress. Remember the importance of a balanced diet and an active lifestyle.
These are the health claims approved by the European Community, which we communicate on the back label to give more and more value to our oil and its benefits:
The polyphenols in olive oil contribute to the protection of blood lipids from oxidative stress. The beneficial effect is achieved with a daily intake of 20g of olive oil
(5.62mg/20g of oil).
Replacing saturated fats in the diet with unsaturated fats contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels. Oleic acid is an unsaturated fat.
Vitamin E helps protect cells from oxidative stress. Remember the importance of a balanced diet and an active lifestyle.
For a life
healthy and tasty life.
Same soul,
new face.
‘It is a promise of prosperity that stems from ancient history, but looks to the future knowing that we can make a difference every day.’
Choosing our oil means embracing a philosophy of life that sees food not only as a source of energy; it means nourishing the body with the best the earth has to offer, respecting the rhythms of nature and honouring a tradition that speaks of care, patience and love for quality.
Through the ‘Essence’ line, we return to the fulcrum, to the centre: the oil. Intense fruity extra virgin olive oil made only with Apulian Coratina variety olives, Medium fruity,, made with Apulian Peranzana variety olives. Bio, with unique organoleptic properties and totally chemical free. Pitted, real pure oil obtained by cold pitting Coratina variety olives.
Four variants housed in new bottles designed for a true wellness itinerary: each one designed to be explanatory and immediate, with an elegant yet accessible pret-à-gourmet look, they lead to the discovery of all the health benefits and organoleptic characteristics of our EVO oil.
Choosing our oil means embracing a philosophy of life that sees food not only as a source of energy; it means nourishing the body with the best the earth has to offer, respecting the rhythms of nature and honouring a tradition that speaks of care, patience and love for quality.
Through the ‘Essence’ line, we return to the fulcrum, to the centre: the oil. Intense fruity extra virgin olive oil made only with Apulian Coratina variety olives, Medium fruity,, made with Apulian Peranzana variety olives. Bio, with unique organoleptic properties and totally chemical free. Pitted, real pure oil obtained by cold pitting Coratina variety olives.
Four variants housed in new bottles designed for a true wellness itinerary: each one designed to be explanatory and immediate, with an elegant yet accessible pret-à-gourmet look, they lead to the discovery of all the health benefits and organoleptic characteristics of our EVO oil.
Beauty. Transparency.
The excellent quality of extra virgin olive oil is confirmed by the many awards, both nationally and internationally, received in recent years, including the ‘5 Gocce’ from the Italian Sommelier Association (A.I.S.)










ANUGA 2015

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